Northern Campbell County

and the Recluse, WY area.

The Recluse Trust Monthly Meetings

Each month, the Recluse Community Trust meets at the Recluse Hall for several hours to discuss, organize, decide and assign duties as it relates to the Hall and events surrounding it. These meetings are open to being attended by the public. If you missed a meeting, you can view the meeting minutes to keep track of the changes happening.

Meeting Minutes

You can download each year's past meeting minutes. Below are the latest approved minutes:

Recluse Community Trust Minutes 02/09/2023 

Members Present: Andrew Pond, Susie Button-Pond, Wes Snider, Lindsay Wood, Dan Wood, Sharon Rinker. There were numerous community guests present. 

Secretary’s minutes: Lindsay moved; Dan seconded that we accept the minutes as emailed. The motion passed. 

Treasurer’s report: Balance of $35,778.36 of all the accounts with $1282.82 ear marked for the Angel Fund. There were no reimbursements presented. Sharon moved to accept the treasurer’s report as provided; Susie seconded. Motion passed. 

Old Business:

Chili Cookoff
- Gun raffle tickets were misprinted by the printer. 400 tickets were printed. 342 were sold. It was recognized that 300 tickets were adequate for the future 2024 gun raffle order.
- 2023 Chili Cookoff expenses $3003.91; income $9523.00.
- 2023 overall profit was $1221.90 more than 2022 cookoff
- Sheridan media provided free advertising via radio
- Continued Gillette Chamber of Commerce membership for 2023-2024 In 2021 and 2022, we’ve seen very little benefit from membership. Years previous to 2021, there was a great deal of benefit. 

- Lisa Oedekoven would like to volunteer for events and planning at the hall but is not interested in becoming a board member at this time
- Facebook: Invitation post will be created to host potential new volunteers and board members in March 2023. Lindsay to create. Facebook account administrator: Dana Delaney (to be removed), Lindsay Wood (to be added).
- Facebook contributors: Cate Loetscher (to be removed), Desiree Snider (to be added).
- Desiree would like to have sponsor highlight posts regularly – local businesses and large event sponsors  - Wes & Desiree Snider have volunteered to take lead of pop and water restock as needed. The fund will be monitored by RCT once monthly at the meetings.  
- Susie brought up that Paige Oedekoven would like to honor Ronna Carson in some way. Idea: prizes for play day series (hard luck cowboy vs most improved etc). Susie to follow up with Paige to honor family’s wishes.  
- Play Days will be held May – August Sundays @2PM.
- Lindsay to work on dates
- Andrew and Dan to locate timing eyes to free up flagging volunteers
- Lindsay to make halters for play day prizes. Susie moved to spend up to $100 on supplies; Wes seconded. Motion passed. Dan opposed.
- Button Veterinary Services to donate hoof picks and fly spray bottles as prizes  
- Wes & Desiree would like to renovate the children’s chalkboard. Lindsay moved to approve expenses for this endeavor; Susie seconded. Motion passed.  
- Angel Fund brand paintings are still not completed. As soon as the weather is nice enough, progress will be made. 

New Business:

- Remove Amber from accounts. Add Andrew to accounts for double signatures.
- New CD with additional return. There will be a penalty to breech old CD contract of $37.55. New CD: 2 year contract @3.3%. Lindsay moved to breech old CD and create CD with better interest rate; Sharon seconded. Motion passed.
- Need for Square and/or PayPal for events discussed. No motions were presented.  


- Denton Carson / Claire Schaffer baby shower February 18th
- Spaghetti Feed to Benefit Amber Loetscher March 11th @ 6PM. Family friendly. $10 adults, $5 kids. The Ponds will donate pasta & sauce. The Woods will donate meat. Sharon will donate garlic bread. Needed: cheese & salad ingredients
- Desiree created rough draft for flyer. Looks very nice with minor changes.
- Spring Cleaning Yard Sale: Set Up / Donations Accepted April 14th from 10AM—4PM. Yard Sale April 15th. Early Birds $5 entry fee 7:30AM—9AM. 9AM—2PM free admission. All proceeds to benefit Recluse Community Hall. Items must be clean and in good condition. No price setting. All items reasonable at-will donations. Seconds on the Avenue will come get what doesn’t sell. Dumpster should be empty prior to event
- Streamlining group communication – members downloaded application Telegram to discontinue group texting. 

Next meeting: March 9th at 6:30pm. Woods family to host. Meeting adjourned. 

Respectfully submitted.
Susie Button-Pond, Recluse Community Trust Interim Secretary  

Board Members:

The meetings are run by the Executive Board members. If you don't know who they are, find out more here.



The meetings are run according to the Trust's by-laws and policies. You can read them here.