Northern Campbell County

and the Recluse, WY area.

The Recluse Trust Board Members

In 2005, The Recluse Trust was incorporated for the purpose of maintaining the Recluse Hall. Through the years, the board members have changed, but the same commitment to bringing the community together has remained.

Who We Are

The Recluse Trust board members live in the Recluse and surrounding areas. All members volunteer their time and skills to better the community. Planning, organizing and overseeing events along with maintaining the Recluse Hall are some of the tasks board members take care of. There is a meeting each month, open to the community, where plans are discussed and decisions are voted on.

Executive Members

Andrew Pond


Amanda Andreen

Vice President

Sharon Rinker


Dan Wood


Board Members

(in alphabetical order)

Mike Kluver

Vincent Oedekoven

Suzie Pond

Wes Snider

Lindsay Wood

Monthly Meetings:

There is a board meeting each month. Find out more about the meetings.